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Cross Server
Parking Wars

Cross Server Parking

Cross Server Parking will be among 3 other families making it 4 families in total. They is 3 Parking areas each accommodating 10 players

You can only park at midnight on Sunday, After parking 8 hours your mount is automatically collected.

After the event begins players choose a server to park too. they will be a 30min cooldown for changing between stations (Parking Spaces).

Just like regular Parking Wars each victory adds a stack of battle debuff which reduces over time and each defeat will give you a 60 min cooldown before you can station again.

When the event begins cross server parking spaces have a 12 hour peace period. meaning for the first 12 hours you can't be attacked. Each time the ownership of a space changes for example if my server owned a space and a server took it after the peace period then they will be a 4 hour peace period for that spot and they can't be attacked for 4 hours.

When the event begins you can choose which server to park in however you can't select your own server. You also can't select a parking space that got selected first within the peace period.

They is a seizing queue to obtain parking spaces. for example, I selected a parking space and my family wanted to park there, they can park there once I've finished.

Parking Rewards

For Parking in the parking spaces you get;

100% Parking Coins
100% Mount experience
50% adventuring rewards

the screenshot Below shows how many defences and attacks that spot has accomplished.

For example, in the screenshot shows that the top position has had 2 successful defends and 0 losses

Attacking Spots as often as possible has it's benefits as they is a ranking for the most successful attacks as well as most successful defences, they is also server ranking rewards.


LegendOfMushroom Attacking Rewards


LegendOfMushroom Defence Rewards


LegendOfMushroom Server Rewards
LegendOfMushroom Decoration
LegendOfMushroom Decoration
LegendOfMushroom Decoration
LegendOfMushroom Decoration
Flower Nook Parking Decoration
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